At the point when news broke yesterday that a Nigerian blogger, Abu Si
diq was captured by the EFCC for the wrongdoing of 'cyberstalking', it demonstrated that posting on the web, either in individual online journals or other online networking, has its dangers. This turns out to be particularly clear, when you post data or make explanations that influence touchy matters, or individuals in positions of force. There have been different instances of individuals been captured and even imprisoned for posting stuff on online networking, particularly Facebook, here is a rundown:
1. Ojo Emmanuel:
Ojo Emmanuel was captured in the early morning of Monday, September 28 2015, by the police. His wrongdoing? He was captured in light of the fact that he had a post on Facebook in which he charged that the spouse of the Ogun state representative was captured in the UK for IRS evasion. His capture started a turmoil, and after his discharge, he undermined to sue the state government.
2. Curtis Ugbo
After an earth shattering service to open the Okpella Cement Factory in Edo state. The Senior Special Assistant on Media to Adams Oshiomole the Edo state representative, Mr Curtis Ugbo made a Facebook post. Utilizing the subtitle: "What's the issue with my Boss?" He said that the senator didn't include the state's partners, House of Assembly individuals or National Assembly individuals in the venture. Quickly, Oshiomole requested the capture of Ugbo, the security authorities professedly broke the entryways and window of his condo, and commandingly whisked him away. He was charged for firearm ownership and presenting an article likely on cause a break of peace.
3. Blinks of Bicester
A lady who claims a marvel salon in the UK was captured when she made a post on Facebook after the Paris dread assaults in November 2015. She posted that she would not go up against bookings from those rehearsing the Muslim confidence. As indicated by Thames Valley Police , the 43-year-old lady was captured under segment 19 of the UK Public Order Act. The Facebook posts were later erased.
4. Justin Carter
Justin Carter is a 19-year-old Canadian who was captured and imprisoned by the police for making a Facebook post. He was imprisoned in February 2013. The reason? He was supposedly offended by a kindred gamer who scrutinized his mental state and he made this post on Facebook: "I think Ima shoot up a kindergarten/And watch the blood of the guiltless downpour down/And eat the thumping heart of one of them." A Canadian who saw the post, answered to the police and he was captured.
5. Paula Asher
18-year-old Paula Asher was driving plastered, when she hit an auto, with four youngsters in it and drove off. She was captured by the police for driving while intoxicated and after that let go, following nobody was harmed. Be that as it may, on returning home, Asher made a Facebook post saying: "My numb nuts got a dui and I hit an auto… lol." The guardians of the young people found the post in terrible taste, police requested Asher to bring it down and when she cannot, she was captured and burned through two days in prison. After which she apologized.
6. Cameron Ambrosio
Cameron D'Ambrosio is a 18-year-old a secondary school understudy who is likewise a yearning rapper. When he posted the accompanying verses on Facebook: "F—a boston bombinb [sic] hold up til u see the sh– I do, I'ma be well known for rapping, and beat each homicide accusation that runs over me." He was told what he posted was a "terroristic risk." He was captured, yet later let go.
7. Muhammad Ruhul Amin Khandaker
In Bangladesh, a nation known for strict approaches on Facebook posts, Muhammad Ruhul Amin Khandaker was sentenced to six months in prison for clowning about his craving for the Prime Minister to bite the dust. Khandaker who worked for Jahangirnagar University's Department of Information and Technology, was remarking on Facebook about deadly car crashes. He wrote something to the impact of, "Why wouldn't this be able to happen to [Prime Minister] Sheik Hasina?" Obviously you must be cautious what you post on online networking, correct?
1. Ojo Emmanuel:

2. Curtis Ugbo

3. Blinks of Bicester

4. Justin Carter

5. Paula Asher

6. Cameron Ambrosio

7. Muhammad Ruhul Amin Khandaker

1. Ojo Emmanuel
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1. Ojo Emmanuel
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